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The Slice: Old photo hits home for cruise passenger

You never know when you might encounter the home team.

Spokane Valley’s Duane Emery was on a Norwegian Cruise Line voyage from Florida to Spain recently when he saw on the wall of a passageway near a bar and grill an 8-by-10 photo of the 1941 Spokane Indians baseball team. It was on display along with other old sports pictures, vintage baseball cards and what have you. “What are the odds of a Spokane native, and resident, finding this on a cruise ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?”

Memorable Ice Cream Cones Department: Herb Postlewait still remembers one he had back around 1946, when he was a boy. It was a raspberry ripple cone eaten in Kevin, Montana.

“I will never forget how good it was on that warm summer day.”

Slice answer: “Sure, home AC is not necessary in Spokane, as long as you can leave town from May to the end of September and enjoy the AC somewhere else,” said George Bick.

Two weeks away: There is going to be a 40th birthday party for the Riverfront Park Garbage Goat on June 21 at 2 p.m. You are invited. Among other highlights, the local icon’s creator is expected to be on hand to feed the suction goat a slice of birthday cake.

Catch and release: “A couple of weeks ago my wife and I stopped for a late lunch at the small, longtime café in Plummer after attending our granddaughter’s graduation at the U of Idaho in Moscow,” wrote Vance Rauer.

A couple of tables away, an older fellow was asked about his day of fishing at Lake Chatcolet.

“Not too good,” he said. “But I got two perch and someone’s old lawn chair. I kept the perch.”

For all Rauer and his wife know, that guy tells the same story every weekend. But they enjoyed overhearing it all the same.

Inland Northwest summer haters: Should wear a W, “For wuss,” said Terry Kolemaine. “The same letter applies to winter haters.”

Today’s Slice question: When you misplace something, do you find yourself wishing you could call it and make it ring like you do when a cellphone is hiding somewhere in your home?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email There is something to be said for not having black ice on the roadways.

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