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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Photo: Exploring beneath the surface

Amphibian anatomy: Instructor Kellie Crawford pulls the digestive system of a frog from the body cavity for camper Joy Andrews, 8, during the Blood and Guts summer camp class Wednesday at Mobius Science Center in Spokane. At the two-day camp, kids learned about anatomy and got to dissect a cow eye and a frog at the end of the second day. As a group, the kids identified major organs and features of the frogs, then were given time to explore on their own. For information about the center’s one-day, two-day and weeklong camps, go to (Jesse Tinsley)
Amphibian anatomy: Instructor Kellie Crawford pulls the digestive system of a frog from the body cavity for camper Joy Andrews, 8, during the Blood and Guts summer camp class Wednesday at Mobius Science Center in Spokane. At the two-day camp, kids learned about anatomy and got to dissect a cow eye and a frog at the end of the second day. As a group, the kids identified major organs and features of the frogs, then were given time to explore on their own. For information about the center’s one-day, two-day and weeklong camps, go to