Week Ahead
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - Christian Légaré, executive vice president and CTO of Micrium, will present “Catching the Internet of Things Wave” at the IEEE Palouse Section meeting. 5:30 p.m., SEL Event Center, Faraday Hall, 1825 Schweitzer Drive, Pullman. Free and open to the public; food provided. Register at http://bit.ly/PalouseJuly2014. For more information call (509) 991-0613.
Social Security Maximization Seminar - Pat Wardian, of Wardian Wealth Management, will present two free seminars on maximizing Social Security benefits. Seating is limited. A complimentary dinner will be served following the presentations. Tuesday and Thursday, 6 p.m., Red Lion Templin’s Hotel, 414 E. First Ave., Post Falls. Reservations are required at (208) 664-8980.
Write a Business Plan - SCORE Spokane will host a workshop on how successful businesses operate with a plan. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 801 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 444. For information, visit www.scorespokane.org. $40/advance; $50/at the door; $15/additional person from same company.
Hiring Event - The Idaho Department of Labor Kootenai County office will host 20 local employers. Job seekers should bring a resume and be prepared to interview. 10 a.m.-noon, 600 N. Thornton St., Post Falls. For more information call (208) 457-8789.
INBA Networking Luncheon - The Inland Northwest Business Alliance presents speaker Lisa Shaffer with Paw Print Genetics. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., CenterPlace, 2426 N. Discovery Place. For more information and reservations, visit www.inbaspokane.org. $27/member or first-time guest; $37/nonmember.
Marketing Associates of Spokane - Ed Reese, founder of Sixth Man Marketing, will present “Creating Buzz on Your Web Site.” 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., The Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. $20/members; $30/nonmembers, includes lunch. Reservations requested by Monday at www.maspokane.org.
World Wide Group Puryear Group Reunion – Thursday-July 13, Spokane Convention Center, 2,500 attendees.