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Bible is foundational

It is my privilege to teach some Slavic children. My class this year was very interested in U.S. history, so teaching it was fun. We discussed our history from the Pilgrims to the present and had the opportunity to look at heroes like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, etc., through fresh eyes, those of my students.

The conclusion we came to was that the greatness of America is not just in its amber waves of grain, its rich culture, its industrious people, but in something more basic and attainable by any people of any country. It is simple, but truth is so often simple. It is this fact: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…” Psalm 33:12.

Woven throughout our history are biblical principles. They are in the foundational documents of the Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, our economic system, our military actions, our care and compassion for people all over the world.

America is not like any other country. I hope my students now know why so they can become the next generation of God-fearing, America-loving citizens.

Candy Turner

Newman Lake

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