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Win for local control

Apathy and the tea party strike a major blow for the red party in Virginia, as David Brat upsets Eric Cantor, the second-ranking House Republican. The defeat was a shock for both parties as Brat was elected by a small percentage of the registered voters. This should be a lesson for both parties as we head to the November election, which could be a real turning point in our nation’s history.

Cantor spent a large amount of campaign money compared to Brat, but voters did not seem to like his big-government position on immigration.

Brat believes that many government functions should be transferred back to the states, so that there could be local control and less chance for waste and improper supervision. I believe that this is an ideal time for candidates to run on these principles, as the news is constantly telling us about the waste and mismanagement by our present White House and both houses of our Congress.

Obama has really used his pen and phone to broaden the spectrum of federal control.

Can you remember things being better with local control? I can.

Gerald Ray


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