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Stop lying about ACA

Rep. Paul Ryan, Sen. Mitch McConnell and many other Republicans are telling America that a Congressional Budget Office report says the Affordable Care Act will cause an estimated 2.3 million people to lose their jobs or have their hours reduced.

The problem is that the CBO’s report does not say any such thing. The report actually states that, because of the ACA, many workers will no longer have to delay retirement or continue to work extra hours to keep their health insurance. But Republicans do not seem to care about the reality of the report. As usual, they are only interested in making the ACA and President Obama look bad.

These attempts by the GOP to misrepresent the ACA need to be called out for what they are: bald-faced lies. The ACA may not be perfect, but right now millions of Americans are getting health care that before the ACA were not, and that is a good thing.

I do not like to judge people, but these Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. If you have to resort to lying to win an argument, then your argument must not be very viable.

Steve Barber


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