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Thank an officer

This is in response to Kathy Pintler’s letter about lethal threat. How long should a police officer wait until a person with a gun raises the weapon and fires a round at him and his partner before he raises his weapon and fires at the suspect? If he waits till the person fires at him, he and/or his partner are lying on the ground dead or dying.

I have seen where police officers take a lot of abuse, both verbal and physical, and never pull out their weapons. Most of the time they try to defuse the situation by talking to everyone involved, but when a weapon is raised to them, they must take lethal action or risk being killed in the line of duty.

Is this what must happen before they try to save everyone around them from a person with a gun?

I want to give my 100 percent support to the Spokane police and sheriff’s departments. Maybe we should all take a moment to thank a police officer for putting his life on the line every day, so we can live a safe and peaceful life. Thanks to all who wear a law enforcement uniform.

Terry Pierce


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