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Ski expansion is wrong

So sad to read of the Mount Spokane expansion. All the downhill skiers will be happy, but how about the rest of us?

When my daughter was taking a class, the instructor took them to the area to view “the closest thing we have in Spokane County to a virgin forest.” Also to experience rare flora and fauna. Now, it will be all chewed up for another ski run. The beauty will no longer be viewed by my generation or future generations.

On that side of the mountain the snow does last longer, so you could possibly ski later in the spring. It may bring in more people and more money to the mountain. There is that magic, deciding word: money.

This is taking away something money can’t replace. In the summer, we will see another empty ski run instead of a beautiful forest.

I didn’t hear the mountain say, “Let’s ski.” I heard it say, “Leave me alone.”

Grace Parks

Spokane Valley

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