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The Slice: Chances of a ghost? Remote

Paul Turner, Spokesman-Review columnist. (The Spokesman-Review)

If something like this has happened to you, please share your story with The Slice.

I promise not to say “Well, duh!”

Before going out of town recently, my wife set up the lights in two rooms in our home to respond to remote controls. In one room, the little clicker controls two lamps. In the other room, at the opposite end of the house, an identical remote turns four lamps on and off.

Not long after her departure, I found myself wondering if my wife had also rigged up a timer. Because the lights in the computer room seemed to be coming on of their own accord. Or maybe it was a ghost.

Eventually I figured out that when I turned on a light in the bedroom, a lamp I had just switched off back in the computer room came on again. Please don’t ask how long it took me to solve this mystery. In any case, I never would have guessed that the little remotes had that sort of range.

OK, your turn.

Warm-up question: Typically, what’s your No. 1 reason for not following someone back on Twitter? A) Never heard of him. B) Don’t like her. C) Self-description makes you gag. D) Expression in photo seems a bit smug. E) When I ask myself “What can this person do for me?” my answer is a fast and firm “Nada.” F) Suspicion that the person tweets too much. G) Person has said unkind things about my profession. H) Suspicion that the person followed you because you are good-looking. I) You happen to know that the person unfollowed someone you like. J) Other.

Today’s Slice question: You know how telecasts of pro football games sometimes include the players stating their names and mentioning where they purportedly went to school. Most often, the athletes mention a college. But sometimes they name a high school.

I assume that at least a few of the players in that latter group must feel that the coaching and support they received at the prep level was more instrumental in their success.

So anyway, if you were asked to introduce yourself in a somewhat similar situation, what school, teacher, old boss or organization would you mention?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email A lot can be accomplished in 21 days.

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