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Can’t handle the truth

“You can’t handle the truth” is a line spoken in the movie “A Few Good Men,” with Jack Nicholson. Sure, it was just a movie, but stop and think about it. That is the truth.

Political correctness has replaced the truth, integrity and the American dream. The United States of America and the dream have been stolen from ordinary citizens by corrupt, self-serving politicians and their wealthy cronies.

We elected them to serve us, but we are serving them. Anyone who can’t see that is extremely naive. Everything from city government, all the way to the federal level, including the White House, is being taken from us, and we just sit around on our fat behinds and watch it happen.

We can be, and have been, arrested for crimes that politicians commit every day. Why? Because they are above the law.

How much longer are we going to put up with this? You tell me, America. Better yet, tell them.

Michael Lawson

Spokane Valley

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999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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