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Students, shoppers use STA

So, where are all the drunk, stoned teenagers at the Spokane Transit Authority Plaza? I take the bus twice a day, five days a week. I’ll tell you what I see: teenagers with shopping bags from downtown businesses; kids waiting for a bus to and from school. I see people and their kids who have been enjoying a day at the park. I see people waiting for the bus with DVDs and books from the library. I’m almost 70 years old and walking through the park. I sure don’t see groups of unruly teenagers.

In the response to the Davenport Hotel’s complaint: It didn’t stop Walt Worthy from building another hotel that has, by the way, eliminated a bus stop that had seating. I’m sure the $70,000 STA spent on the smoking section was due in part by pressure from businesses. I do know that $70,000 could have been better spent, such as covered seating for stops, or just seating.

Lynda Koers


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