Obituary: Yarnell, Wayne A.
Age 51
(Age 51) Wayne was born on August 27 1962, in Spokane, and passed away August 3, 2014.
He left this world and is starting a new life, after his long 18 month battle with pancreatic cancer.
His wife, Paula; sons, Westan, Robert and Kristofer and daughters, Brianne, Robin and Melissa will share his new home with him in many years to come.
Wayne will be and is deeply missed and loved by all of his family, friends and work colleagues.
I would like to thank CCNW for taking such wonderful care of Wayne.
I also want to thank Hospice for helping me through the toughest weeks I have yet to face.
A celebration of life will be held for him at Franklin Park, August 30, 2014 at 11 A.M.
Donations; please, please support any cancer foundation; one day we will win this battle.
C U Soon Hunnee