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Happy about elections

I was pleased to see the outcomes of the Aug. 5 election. After actively voting and considering myself somewhat informed about the issues and candidates in elections gone by, my faith with the people and the power we hold in our government has been reaffirmed.

Buying 10 times as many signs, billboards and television time will not always buy a public office. Big money from the political action committees hasn’t always been the best way to get elected either. Standing firm on one’s personal beliefs and family values can be enough to be elected. Staying true to the people that believe in you enough to vote for you is enough.

I urge the candidates to get out and meet the voters. A handshake and a direct approach works most of the time. Taking the time to debate the issues for us helps an informed voter to make hard decisions. November should be an interesting month.

Duane Statler

Spokane Valley

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999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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