Chase is the best choice
Since being elected Spokane County treasurer four years ago, Rob Chase has come under budget for his department by an average of 8 percent. He was instrumental in getting a partial payment plan passed through the Legislature for property taxes. The Treasurer’s Office runs more efficiently, having cut wait times by 80 percent. The treasurer’s investment pool was second in yield in Washington, while maintaining safety and liquidity.
He also has the endorsement of the county union, whose members know he is a fair manager. Furthermore, he is an advocate for the people, not part of any clique, but acts independently for the county.
Candidate Mary Kuney was handpicked by Al French to run against Chase. Kuney’s family business has a business relationship with the county, and her husband was recently appointed to the Spokane International Airport board. Clearly, that is a conflict of interest.
If experience counts, then Chase is the only candidate who has experience being the county treasurer. Chase has proven he is not only qualified to be the county treasurer, but he is the best choice. Vote Rob Chase for Spokane County treasurer.
Alyson Paredes