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Shea’s support bad, ugly

As a military veteran who saw hardship and tragedy in the service of his country, I am disgusted by the reported activities of Rep. Matt Shea in his seeming support of the armed mob that confronted federal officials in the petty dispute over a Nevada rancher’s refusal to pay his reasonable rent of my public lands.

Such threats are not acceptable, nor is urging them on. Moreover, the individuals who threatened gun violence against constituted authority should thank their lucky stars that their insurgency was not met by helicopter gunships with live ammunition, as might have been the case in some other countries.

To Shea, it should be said that America is based on the rule of law that was reinforced by the bloodshed of the American Civil War. While shooting off one’s mouth may be protected, pointing guns at duly appointed officials is not.

As for handing over the sacred trust that is represented by our public lands to a few corrupt oligarchs under the smoke screen of small ranchers, such an outcome hardly seems likely.

Finally, is it possible, given Shea’s checkered history of gunplay, that he is addicted to all-night binge viewing of spaghetti westerns?

Leland Alkire


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