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Shea forgets Constitution

In championing Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, Rep. Matt Shea, 4th Legislative District, seems under the impression that the federal government is not sovereign in the states and not entitled to charge rents or fees on public land. This is either a Confederate fantasy or science fiction.

The states admitted after the original 13 were entirely creations of the national government, out of lands obtained by the Treaty of Paris (1783), the Louisiana Purchase (1803), the Mexican War (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848) and by treaty with Great Britain. In the Ordinance of 1787, Congress stipulated how a new state could be organized and admitted to the union. The land that became Nevada was acquired in the Mexican War, and the lands acquired were paid for by the blood and treasure of the entire country, and therefore were and are the possession of the entire country.

All lands retained in the public domain are the common possession of our nation’s citizens. For the federal government’s sovereignty over the states, see also the last articles of Amendments 13-15 of the Constitution, or Shea could just recite the Pledge of Allegiance and listen to the words.

Richard Law


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