Jim Kershner’s this day in history
From our archives, 100 years ago
Spokane had a famous visitor: Helen Keller.
“Alighting almost without assistance from the train, the first impression Miss Keller gave the observer was of alert intelligence,” said a reporter. “Her expression is pleasing, with a decided touch of pathos, but there is no vacancy in the sightless eyes, and when spoken to, either by lip speech or the quick finger talk in which she and her teacher are expert, Helen Keller’s face lights up like a child.”
She was scheduled to appear at the Lewis and Clark High School auditorium the next day.
From the school beat: Dr. W.F. Foster, president of Reed College, spoke at the Inland Empire Teachers Association meeting in Spokane and delivered a scathing indictment of intercollegiate athletics.
“The jealousy, greed and enmity engendered by the athletic contests between the leading colleges of the country is a scandal and entirely fails to uphold the commandment, ‘Love they neighbor,’ but perverts it into ‘Hate thy neighbor,’ ” he said.