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Home-grown tastes best

When I read the April 4 letter from Robert Johnson I laughed aloud, and lost my mouthful of coffee! Is he serious?

I have lived on a 40-acre farm for over eight years. Although we have seen coyotes, they have yet to take a single one of our ducks, geese, chickens, cows, calves or goats. Never has a rat, raccoon or skunk “set up shop.” Just because you don’t have a lot of space doesn’t doom you!

I can’t believe he would be against people having eggs and meat that do not come out of a factory! Has he ever cracked open an egg that was still warm from being under a hard-working hen? Seen the amazing color of the yolk compared to an egg that sat on a shelf for weeks? Tasted the difference? The only thing to fear is fear itself.

Amanda Fields


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