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Ronald McDonald is crying

McDonald’s has already torn down the little windmill on South Perry Street and is building a drive-through-only store there, one of a handful in the world. They’re about to tear down Ferguson’s on Garland Avenue to do the same thing. Crazy, right?

Fortunately, it’s not true – yet. But McDonald’s is doing exactly that near Gonzaga University on Hamilton Street, where the neighborhood has spent years working with the city to turn Hamilton into a friendly shopping street like Garland or South Perry.

Since McDonald’s has built pedestrian-oriented stores all over the world, they could easily build a friendlier design on Hamilton that fronts the street with a drive-through lane behind. Many neighbors would support that. A drive-through-only store might fit along Division or Ruby streets, but not on Hamilton.

McDonald’s knew the neighborhood was working hard to make Hamilton a place where drivers can stop to eat and shop. They knew that Wolffy’s has a successful restaurant with indoor seating and drive-through that neighbors walk to and visitors drive to. Why not do something similar?

This is wrong. Why would McDonald’s do this to their friends in the neighborhood? Why keep their plans a secret? Somewhere, Ronald McDonald is crying.

Chris Kelly


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