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Proud of Obama

Several letters here recently were critical of President Obama, but few have pointed out his successes, not the least of which is the Affordable Care Act.

The latest figures show 9.5 million previously uninsured Americans have gained coverage – the largest expansion in half a century (The Spokesman-Review, March 31). My son, who is 50, has his own health insurance for the first time. And no one who has a pre-existing condition can be turned down.

In foreign affairs, for the first time in more than a decade American servicemen and women are not dying in Iraq or Afghanistan. As a veteran, I applaud this. Careful diplomacy has led to agreements in Iran that may delay or suspend development of atomic weapons. And in Syria, they’re making their chemical weapons available for inspection. Regardless of what casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson thinks, we are supporting and defending Israel.

I agree with Rose Rhoades (March 30) that Obama’s thoughtful decision-making is essential in critical situations. The majority of Americans who re-elected the president (including those in Washington) should be proud.

James Ramsey


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