Man admits to DUI on YouTube, turns self in
COLUMBUS, Ohio – An Ohio driver who made an online video confessing that he caused a fatal wrong-way crash after a night of heavy drinking turned himself in Monday on a charge of aggravated vehicular homicide.
In a 31/2-minute video posted last week, Matthew Cordle admitted he “made a mistake” when he decided to drive that night.
“My name is Matthew Cordle, and on June 22nd, 2013, I hit and killed Vincent Canzani,” he says somberly. “This video will act as my confession.”
Cordle, 22, was booked into Franklin County Jail on Monday afternoon.
He’s scheduled to be arraigned today and his lawyers say he will plead guilty as soon as possible. Franklin County prosecutor Ron O’Brien said Cordle faces up to 81/2 years in prison if convicted.
Cordle’s attorneys downplayed any suggestion that Cordle made the video in hopes of winning a light sentence.
“The way he wanted to proceed was take responsibility for what he’s done, and he’s been steadfast in that desire since he came and talked to us to begin with,” attorney George Breitmayer said.