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Another casino is crazy

The idea of allowing another area casino is ludicrous. Already, there are three major casinos: one in Airway Heights, one at Three Rivers and one in Worley. Also, a large one exists in Chewelah, and there are several privately owned gambling businesses scattered through the area. These establishments pry money from people who can ill afford losing money, especially seniors who propagate the gambling floors losing their Social Security checks at warp speed.

Why any sane person or persons would even consider another casino being built is beyond comprehension. The money these casinos extract from the economy is certainly not replaced by the comparatively tiny amounts they donate to schools and charities, which are primarily schools and charities on or connected to their reservations.

Gambling is an addiction, and adding another casino is certainly not going to help that addiction. Nor will it help to cement in any way the permanency of Fairchild Air Force Base to the Spokane/Airway Heights area; in fact, it will likely give cause for the Air Force to take another look at Fairchild for closure. For goodness sake, let us hope local government officials show some common sense and stop this insanity.

Jim Peters

Post Falls

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