Seth Woodard Elementary gets new playground set
Like ants on an anthill, children at Seth Woodard Elementary School have been swarming the new playground equipment.
“I think of it as the most funnest new playground I’ve ever been to,” said third-grader Leah Tarbert.
The equipment – with multiple slides, monkey bars, poles and more – went up fast. Principal Tad Heinen said workers broke ground on the project right before spring break and students had a great time checking its progress.
“They wanted to watch everything,” Heinen said. The playground passed an inspection by the health department April 18 and has been the most popular toy at Seth Woodard.
The equipment was paid for through several different entities at the school. The Parent Teacher Organization, the Student Parent Interactive Classroom Environment parents, the Associated Student Body fund, the building’s budget and other sources contributed to the $25,000 needed to purchase the equipment.
Heinen said the West Valley School District maintenance department helped keep costs low by installing the equipment.
Seth Woodard serves students in kindergarten through the fifth grade.
Staff has created a schedule for which classes can play on the equipment when.
“I really like how we’re taking turns,” said Felicity Clemons, a third-grader.
During a visit to the school this week, children were laughing and sliding and clambering up to the top to wait in line for the spiral slide.
Several students lay down in the pea gravel and made gravel angels.
“It’s cool,” said Hannah Herford, another third-grader. “I like the monkey bars and slides and the little spinning thing over there,” referring to a spiral-shaped pole for sliding.
The slides are very popular.
“There’s lots of slides and we can do lots of fun things on it,” said Duachee Lor, 9. “I really like the fast-going slides,” said Bella Eva, a first-grader.
Heinen said students are doing a good job of sharing the equipment and are getting plenty of exercise and fresh air during their recesses.
“Kids need to go outside,” he said.
Since the project was completed, it hasn’t just been kids using the new toy.
“I’ve used the playground,” Heinen admitted.