Freeze foreign aid
A March 19 letter to the editor concerning foreign aid by Vaughn Blethen shames those of us who would disagree with him. Blethen believes that spending money on foreign aid is a good, humanitarian expenditure of taxpayer money. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Our U.S. foreign aid fills the pockets of corrupt and greedy foreign leaders, with little used for the intended humanitarian purpose. We are now sending $250 million to Egypt, a country that for all practical purposes hates the United States. That $250 million could sure be used to help our local school systems or our ailing transportation system.
It is time for a 10-year spending moratorium on all foreign aid. We need to implement fiscal responsibility for the U.S. taxpayer’s sake, and focus on investing in the United States. There is no shame in taking care of ourselves first.
Kennon McClintock
Moyie Springs, Idaho