Spokane area religion calendar
Holy Week
“Godspell” – Christian Youth Theater performance Sunday, 4 p.m. at Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, 15319 E. Eighth Ave. $10/suggested donation. (509) 926-6450.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church – Palm Sunday breakfast, 8:30 a.m., Sunday school, 9:15 a.m., worship and Communion, 10:30 a.m.; Maundy Thursday worship, 7 p.m.; Easter, March 31, breakfast at 8:30 a.m., worship with Communion, 10:30 a.m. at the church, 2511 S. Pines Road. (509) 926-7966.
Opportunity Christian Church – Palm Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m.; Maundy Thursday service, soup and bread, 6 p.m., worship and Communion, 7 p.m.; Good Friday service, 7 p.m.; Easter service, March 31, 10:30 a.m., Sunday school, 9:30 a.m. followed by an egg hunt at the church, 708 N. Pines Road, (509) 926-3691.
Spokane Valley United Methodist Church – Palm/Passion Sunday, worship and Sunday school, 10 a.m., Hallelujah Party with egg hunt and youth activities, 11:30 a.m.; Maundy Thursday Seder meal and worship, 6 p.m.; Easter worship, March 31, 9 a.m., adult Sunday school, 10:30 a.m., youth Sunday school, 11 a.m. followed by lunch at 12:30 p.m. at the church, 115 N. Raymond Road. (509) 924-7262.
Veradale United Church of Christ – Palm/Passion Sunday, worship at 10:30 a.m. with fellowship at 11:45 a.m.; Maundy Thursday soup supper and Communion worship, 6-7:30 p.m. Easter, March 31, potluck breakfast, 9:15 a.m. and Communion worship at 10:30; fellowship at 11:45 a.m. followed by an egg hunt at the church, 611 N. Progress Road. (509) 926-7173.
Episcopal Church of the Resurrection – Maundy Thursday worship, 7 p.m.; Good Friday worship, 7 p.m.; Easter vigil March 30, 7 p.m.; Easter services, March 31 at 8 and 10 a.m. followed by a continental breakfast and egg hunt at the church, 15319 E. Eighth Ave. Candy donations will be accepted in the kitchen through Easter morning. (509) 926-6450.
Genesis Church – Good Friday Service, 6:30 p.m.; Easter services March 31, 8:30 and 10 a.m. at the church at 810 S. Sullivan Road. (509) 993-6435.
Lakeside Church – Good Friday service, 7 p.m.; Easter drama and worship, March 31 at 10 a.m. in the event center of the church at 23129 E. Mission Ave. (509) 210-9779.
Valley Real Life Ministries – Easter vigil service, March 30, 5:30 p.m.; Easter services, March 31 at 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m. at the church, 1831 S. Barker Road, Greenacres. (509) 232-0840.
This Week
Cornerstone Christian Academy Annual Auction and Dessert – Today, silent auction begins at 6 p.m. with the live auction at 7:30 p.m. at the school at 4224 W. Fourth Ave. Proceeds support Cornerstone. Free. (509) 868-7207.
“Recovery From Spiritual Abuse: From Hurt to Healing” Workshop – Today, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Bethany Presbyterian Church, 2607 S. Ray St. Workshop is free, participants are asked to contribute to the lunch that is provided. RSVP to (509) 385-8605 or recoveryworkshop@gmail.com.
Dinner and Movie Night at Spokane Buddhist Temple – Friday, dinner at 6 p.m. for $5, free movie to be announced, 7 p.m. at the temple, 927 S. Perry St. (509) 534-7954.
Congregation Emanu-el Passover Seder – RSVP by Wednesday for the family-oriented Seder meal March 30, 4:30-7:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 4340 W. Fort George Wright Drive. Child care for preschool-age children will be available, donations appreciated. $25/adult members and children 13 and older, $11/children of members aged 7-13, family maximum $75. $32/adult nonmembers and children 13 and older, $15/children of nonmembers ages 7-13, $15/college students, free/ages 6 and younger and active military. (509) 325-6383.
Holy Week Events
Ester Nicholson Service and Workshop – Palm Sunday service “The Divine Invitation – Get Dressed for the Party” at 11 a.m. followed by lunch. “Expect a Miracle” workshop will be from 1-4 p.m. with a suggested offering of $35 at The Unity Center of North Spokane, 4123 E. Lincoln Road. Nicholson has completed world tours with Rod Stewart and Bette Midler. (509) 489-6964.
Central Baptist Church – Palm Sunday classes for all, 9:30 a.m., worship and children’s processional and songs, 11 a.m.; Wednesday, Lenten soup dinner and Bible study, 5:30-7 p.m.; Easter worship 11 a.m. at the church, 19 W. Shannon Ave. (509) 327-9322.
Central United Methodist Church – Palm Sunday service, 11 a.m.; Easter worship, March 31 at 11 a.m. at the church, 518 W. Third Ave. (509) 838-1431.
Country Homes Christian Church – Palm Sunday, church school at 9:15 a.m., worship at 10:30 a.m.; Maundy Thursday, 6:30 p.m. service; Easter brunch, March 31, 9:15 a.m. followed by worship at 10:30 a.m. at the church 8415 N. Wall St. (509) 466-3414.
Hamblen Park Presbyterian Church – Palm/Passion Sunday, 9 and 10:30 a.m. worship. Bake sale, 8:30 a.m. Proceeds benefit Camp Spalding scholarships; Maundy Thursday, foot-washing and shoe collection outreach service, 7 p.m.; Good Friday, “The Politics of a Crucifixion,” 7 p.m.; Easter worship March 31, 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. with special music by the Chancel and Chimes Choirs and Brass Ensemble at the church, 4102 S. Crestline St. (509) 448-2909.
Moran United Methodist Church –Palm Sunday worship, 10 and 11:30 a.m. Good Friday Tenebrae service, 7 p.m.; Resurrection Sunday sunrise service March 31, 6:30 a.m. followed by the men’s Easter breakfast at 7:15 a.m. Worship services and the traditional Decoration of the Cross will be at 9 and 11 a.m. with an egg hunt between services at 10:15 a.m. (509) 448-7102.
St. John’s Cathedral – Palm Sunday services, 8 and 10:30 a.m.; Maundy Thursday soup supper, 5:30 p.m., worship at 7; Good Friday services, 7 a.m. and noon, candlelight service at 7 p.m.; Holy Saturday, March 30, the Great Vigil of Easter, 7 p.m.; Easter services, March 31, 8 and 10:30 a.m. with the Cathedral Carillon, brass and timpani from the Spokane Symphony, and bell choir. All events at the church, 127 E. 12th Ave. (509) 838-4277.
Zion Lutheran Church – Palm Sunday festival of worship, traditional at 8:30 a.m., contemporary at 11 a.m.; Maundy Thursday Communion service, 7 p.m.; Good Friday services, noon and 7 p.m.; Easter worship March 31, traditional worship, 8:30 a.m., breakfast from 9:45-10:40 a.m., egg hunt for third grade and younger, 10 a.m.; contemporary worship, 11 a.m. at the church, 8304 E. Buckeye Ave. (509) 926-5407.
St. David’s Episcopal Church – Maundy Thursday Communion and foot-washing, 7 p.m.; Good Friday traditional passion reading and prayers, noon; a Celtic Easter, Scripture and song, darkness and light, fire and water, community and celebration, 7 p.m. Saturday; Easter Communion services at 8 and 10 a.m. March 31, with receptions to follow at the church, 7315 N. Wall St. (509) 466-3100.
Manito Presbyterian Church – Maundy Thursday service, 7 p.m.; Good Friday, 7 p.m. cantata, “The Weeping Tree,” presented by the Manito Chancel choir; Easter, March 31, 9:30 a.m. children’s activities, worship at 10:30 a.m. at the church, 401 E. 30th Ave. (509) 838-3559.
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church – Services at 7 p.m. on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday Vigil; Easter worship at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. March 31, special music includes choir, organ, brass and timpani at the church at 316 E. 24th Ave. (509) 747-6677.
Redeemer Lutheran Church Easter Egg Hunt – March 30, 11 a.m. for kids through the fifth grade at the church, 3606 S. Schafer Road. Includes prizes, bounce castle, petting zoo and hot dog lunch. Free. (509) 926-6363.
“Behold Jesus” Easter Drama – March 30, Performances at 1 and 6:30 p.m. at INB Performing Arts Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane Dream Center presents the largest Easter drama in the Inland Northwest. No tickets required. (509) 924-2630.
Spring Fling for Children – March 30, 10 a.m.-noon at First Church of the Nazarene, 9004 N. Country Homes Blvd. Egg hunt at 11:30 a.m., face-painting, hot dogs, inflatable castle and slide. Free. (509) 467-8986.
Easter Sunrise Service – March 31, 6:30 a.m. at the top of Greenwood Memorial Terrace, 211 N. Government Way. Worship message by the Revs. Homer and Phyllis Todd, reading by Tim Behrens and performances by Rockin’ B Ranch members and the Pilgrim Slavic Baptist Church Brass Band. Offerings will benefit Hospice of Spokane. (509) 838-1405.
Children’s Easter Festival – Easter worship and kids’ activities at 8:30 or 11 a.m. for ages 4 through sixth grade at Spokane Bethel Church of the Nazarene, 1111 S. Thor St. Includes an egg hunt, bounce castle and crafts. (509) 534-7751.
Unity Center of North Spokane – “Rising in Love” Easter celebration March 31, 11 a.m. at the church, 4123 E. Linden Road. (509) 489-6964.
Sozo Church Easter Service and 100-yard Egg Hunt – Easter, March 31, 10 a.m. at Shadle Park High School auditorium and football field, 4327 N. Ash St. Includes prizes from local merchants. (509) 590-8381.
Covenant Christian Church – “Time Stands Still” Easter worship, March 31, 9:30 and 11 a.m. at the church, 2308 E. 57th Ave., Suite 1. (509) 448-1311.