Obituary: Bafus, Harvey F.
Age 83
A Graveside service will be held at the Pine City Cemetery at 11:30 Friday, March 22nd.
Everyone who would like to attend is welcome!
Immediately fol-lowing the service, there will be a catered luncheon at the Kenova Grange Hall in Pine City, WA.
Harvey was born on April 16, 1929 in their farmhouse near Winona, WA, where he spent the early part of his childhood, until moving to St. John where he graduated from high school in 1949.
Before joining the Army during the Korean War, he was farming outside of St. John with his father, John.
After the Army, he met Marilyn Armstrong and they were married on December 8, 1956.
Before they were married, he bought the home property where they’ve lived ever since.
Harvey and Lynn raised their family around the family farming operation near Pine City and in St. John.
His favorite thing in life was teaching his kids to stay together and work together and as a team, repairing all their own equipment, working in the fields, raising cattle and everything else pertaining to the farm.
He enjoyed fishing and hunting, and was the 4-H Leader for the Pine City 4-H Club for many years.
He worked every year helping on the farm in any way he could up until his death.
Harvey is survived by his wife Lynn; one daughter, Tam; four sons, Randy, Rick, Read and Ray; as well as seven beloved grandchildren.
He was an excellent Dad, Grandpa and Friend, and will be sorely missed by all of us!
SCHANZENBACH FUNERAL HOME in charge of arrangements.