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The Slice: A snowball’s chance at a notebook
What is your No. 1 goal for the last 10 days of winter?
I’ll send a coveted reporter’s notebook to the reader sharing the most original idea.
Dave Jackson wonders: Who can come up with the most creative explanation for why the streets near Gonzaga University are so wide?
Today’s scene from a previous century: Ray Dickelman remembers when garbage was collected by men accompanying a big horse-drawn wagon. “There was no driver,” he wrote. “When it was time to move on one of the men would say ‘giddap’ and the horses would pull the wagon to the next house.”
Speaking of the previous century: I don’t recall people picking up after their dogs back in the day. That raises questions.
Why weren’t residential neighborhoods awash in dog droppings? Were there far fewer dogs back then? How did carrying a plastic bag when walking a dog come to be the norm?
We have a consensus: Readers said the way to find out the details about a neighbor’s house for sale is to skip surreptitiously grabbing a flier and just go online.
Slice answers: If Sandpoint’s Richard Sevenich was asked to give the sermon, his theme would be “How we respond to the fact of global warming is the biblical ‘Last Judgment.’ ”
Nina Elo also has a plan. “I would have asked the congregation these questions. One: Did you call anyone a ‘lying whore’ this week, or make some other derogatory statement about another? Please apologize and ask for forgiveness. Two: Were you called a ‘lying whore’ this week or some other insult? Do as Jesus taught and forgive that person. Three: If you were not on either end of such exchanges could you stay out of the fray, and practice what Jesus taught: Love one another?”
And Mary Wissink knows what she would say: “Look around at the people sitting next to you. If you don’t like them down here, do you think you will like them any better in heaven?”
Today’s Slice question: What great feat might you have accomplished if only you had that spring-ahead hour back?