Give & Take links readers to more content
Welcome to our new Sunday feature – Give & Take.
The idea of this page is two-fold. It is an open-forum page that shares opinions from journalists and readers. It is also a way for us to repurpose some of our online content that print-only readers never see.
Since his retirement about 14 months ago, veteran sportswriter Vince Grippi has worked part time as our daily blogger and compiler of local sports news with “A Grip on Sports” on Sportslink – Grippi has a lot to say and isn’t limited by space. He shares his view of the local sports scene and often ties it into personal experiences. Sometimes he rants and sometimes he reminisces, but he always ties it into something local. When he is done with his morning riff, he gives readers links to every story in the sports section and selected stories from other papers that might be of interest to readers in the area.
I understand that some folks are reluctant to go online for news. If I wasn’t in this business and aware of some of the excellent content out there, I would be among that group. Our aim is to bring some of what you are missing online to our Sunday Page 3 and I hope it will encourage you to visit Sportslink on a regular basis.
Some of the best blog posts from Jim Meehan during the Gonzaga men’s basketball season have been his “day-after” posts. Because of the limited space for his game stories in the paper, Meehan is charged with boiling down a lot of information into a digestible game story for the morning paper. However, with the unlimited space on the Internet, Meehan can reflect on the game and pass along interesting notes and quotes that didn’t make the paper.
The same is true of all our beat writers. Christian Caple often posts video from press conferences involving WSU football and basketball and provides a full quote sheet following each game. There is a wealth of extra inside information for fans of our local schools. On Page 3 we will attempt to repurpose some of the extra content and encourage you to read more of it on Sportslink.
We will also try to pass along a few tweets from the week, run our letters to the editor and encourage folks to write “guest” columns. With letters and guest columns, we reserve the right to not publish everything that comes in but certainly appreciate the feedback.
This space will also be used for local and national columns as space permits.
We hope you spend a little time with this page. I welcome your feedback.