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Don’t pursue Armstrong
Once again the U.S. government is spending our tax dollars to stick its nose where it doesn’t belong. This time the Department of Justice is joining the lawsuit against Lance Armstrong. Apparently, the Roger Clemens saga wasn’t enough entertainment for them. Oh, if only they were so eager to tackle the real problems of this great country.
Involvement is based on the fact that Armstrong raced for the U.S. Postal Service team 10 years ago. He defrauded the government, violating its strict ban on illegal drugs. By the Postal Service’s own studies, they benefited more than $100 million from that sponsorship. It is pretty obvious they can’t make that kind of money delivering the mail. Now, on the other hand, if Armstrong were to lose the lawsuit, the Postal Service should be required to pay back that money obtained through the use of illegal drugs.
Attorney General Eric Holder needs to stick to what he knows. That probably wouldn’t include sports or gun-running.
Denny Soller
Spokane Valley