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Just admit wrongdoing
For those who voted for Mike Fagan for councilman, you must be pleased to see he has so eloquently described our governor as a “lying whore.” What a grasp he has of the English language.
Was calling Gov. Jay Inslee a liar not enough? Did he really need to use the word whore? And please, Mr. Fagan, don’t use your so-called political action committee to justify your vile insult. I guess some people can be intelligent and ignorant at the same time.
To say what you called the governor should not be attributed to you as a councilman is as ridiculous as saying the world is flat. Come on, just admit you were wrong, apologize to the other council members and get on with your begging for money through your emails.
Tim Eyman, when asked why he used the words “lying whore,” said because it’s true. Does he believe the governor lies? Maybe. Does he believe the governor is a whore? I don’t think he does. But, that would mean Eyman may be a liar. Possibly a lying … I will leave it to others to fill in the blank.
Tom Johnson
Spokane Valley