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A solution to bear arms?
The answer to the right to bear arms for today’s United States can be satisfactory to all as follows: By the icon of the Minuteman statue, gun ownership for true sportspersons in America should be that sporting ideal that the qualified hunter use only one shot to bring down what is hunted. Thus, a single-shot muzzle-loaded firearm would suffice. Presently, such firearms are designated “non-gun.” This solves the right to bear arms unless the laws of the nation would change this designation.
All more modern firearms requiring cartridges in any amount would then be allowed to be bought and owned by individuals with the provision that these all be held in regional lawful arsenals in readiness for any conflict that would threaten the general peace. These would still belong to the individual owner and exercised in annual government-sponsored training exercises for familiarization and proficiency with each such gun owner, after which those more modern weapons would once more be secured in armory.
This arrangement would satisfy private gun ownership and meet the ideal of the Minuteman notion under our present Constitution. Or?
Harry Bright