Education Notebook: LC drama will present ‘In the Heights’
Lewis and Clark High School Tiger Drama is staging “In the Heights” beginning next Thursday in LC’s auditorium. Shows continue March 1-2 and March 7-9. All performances are at 7 p.m.
The musical is about life in a tight-knit community in Washington Heights, where the coffee is sweet and the windows are always open. The town is on the brink of change and full of hopes and dreams. The community shares tradition, is family-focused and full of self-discovery.
Cast members are Ray Gillis as Graffiti Pete; Danny Palomba as Usnavi; Bradley Duffy as Piragua Guy; Phoibe Purcell as Abuela Claudia; Kale Dotson as Kevin Rosario; Vanessa Butler as Camila Rosario; Madison Rasmussen as Daniela; Brie Cole as Carla; Ilan Hernandez as Sonny; Kiley Barz as Benny; Keyonna Knight as Vanessa; Brittany Mendoza-Pena as Nina Rosario; Mario Zavala as Jose; and Nora Swoboda as Yolanda.
Tickets for the family-friendly show are $10 and may be purchased at the door. For information visit>
Kindergarten registration opens March 4
Parents in Spokane Public Schools can register their children for kindergarten for the 2013-’14 school year starting March 4.
To register, children must be 5 by Aug. 31.
Parents or guardians can register children from 8:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. at their neighborhood elementary through the end of the school year. A birth certificate or other verification of age and the child’s immunization records will be required. New student registration will continue during the summer at the Administration Building, 200 N. Bernard St., weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
By June 1, principals will combine all neighborhood registration forms and use a lottery method to fill the available spots.
Priority will be given to children with siblings already attending the school. If all available seats have been filled, remaining enrollment forms will be dated and time-stamped to create a waiting list, with openings filled as they occur. For school boundary and other information, visit and click on “Parents” or call (509) 354-5900.
Superintendent seeks response to survey
Spokane Public Schools Superintendent Shelley Redinger is asking district residents to fill out a short survey, available on the district’s website through March 5.
Information from the survey will be used to help create the district’s new strategic plan.
To complete the survey, visit and click on the link for ECRA Group Inc. Parents of SPS students who have provided their email address to their child’s school will be emailed the link. Paper surveys are available at all SPS schools.
For information, email