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Don’t reward mismanagement

Now we are to vote on a tax increase to keep our library service. A tough decision because Spokane needs a good library system.

However, the city should not be asking for a tax increase to cover its financial mismanagement. After all, our city government(s) have managed to do the following:

1) Put employees on paid administrative leave for months while being investigated for crimes.

2) Unable to fire policemen who assault citizens, violate rules repeatedly and lie to cover up for their fellow officers.

3) Keep a street department whose main duty appears to be to cover sidewalks with snow and block driveways with blocks of ice.

4) Agree to contracts with firemen where reports show almost every full-time fireman/lieutenant takes home well over $100,000 plus medical coverage for the family, plus a retirement package that ordinary citizens will never receive.

I will vote no and expect the city to act responsibly and take better care of our money. If the vote fails and the city makes a single reduction in the library services, the citizens of Spokane should recall the mayor and entire City Council. Clean house and have a new city government not controlled by the public employee unions.

Ron Garrett


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