Future farmer of America? From the cab of a Case International combine, Almira, Wash., wheat farmer Cameron Carstensen and his son Cade, 2, point at another combine on the floor of the Spokane Convention Center on Wednesday at the Spokane Ag Expo and Pacific Northwest Farm Forum. The event is the largest farm machinery show in the Inland Northwest, featuring more than 250 agriculture-related businesses. The show runs through today. (Colin Mulvany)
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Future farmer of America? From the cab of a Case International combine, Almira, Wash., wheat farmer Cameron Carstensen and his son Cade, 2, point at another combine on the floor of the Spokane Convention Center on Wednesday at the Spokane Ag Expo and Pacific Northwest Farm Forum. The event is the largest farm machinery show in the Inland Northwest, featuring more than 250 agriculture-related businesses. The show runs through today.