Support groups
Adult Children of Hoarders – Anonymous recovery group of men and women who grew up with a parent who hoards. Group meets to explore their commonalities in a safe, respectful manner, discover how growing up in the hoard affected them in the past and continues to color their habits today. Meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, 7 p.m., at 5025 N. Market St. Cost is free, donations are accepted. Call (509) 434-8874, visit or email for more information.
Adult Co-Victims to Homicide or Other Violent Death – For information about times and places, call Dan Fox at Lutheran Community Services, (509) 747-8224.
Al-Anon Family Groups – Offers support and understanding for family and friends of problem drinkers by sharing experiences with finding solutions to common problems from living with or loving an alcoholic. Each Al-Anon Family Group’s one purpose is to help family and friends of alcoholics. Call (509) 456-2125 or visit for more information.
Alateen Family Groups – Support group for young people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Meetings offer shared experiences with finding solutions to common problems of living with or loving an alcoholic. Each Alateen Family Group’s one purpose is to help teenagers of alcoholics. Call (509) 456-2125 for more information.
Al-Anon Adult Children of Alcoholics Family Groups – Offers support and understanding for family of problem drinkers by sharing experiences with finding solutions to common problems from growing up in an alcoholic home. Each Al-Anon Family Group’s one purpose is to help family and friends of alcoholics. Call (509) 456-2125 or visit for more information.
Alcoholics Anonymous – For meeting times and locations, visit or call the Spokane Central office at (509) 624-1442.
ALS Patient and Caregiver meeting – Sponsored by the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease) Association Evergreen Chapter, Spokane Branch. Meets the fourth Thursday of each month, 3-4:30 p.m., Valley Hospital and Medical Center, 12606 E. Mission Ave., Spokane Valley Call (877) 201-3610 or email for more information.
Alzheimer’s – For locations and times for the 12 support groups in Spokane County, contact the Alzheimer’s Association Inland Northwest chapter at (509) 473-3390.
Alzheimer’s, South Hill – Meets the third Wednesday of the month, 1-2:30 p.m., The Waterford; Dena Kutrich, (509) 536-2929.