Spokane Clubs
Special interest
Cattle Producers of Washington – Meets monthly. Call (509) 632-5358, email cpow@localnet.com, or visit www.cattleproducersofwa.org for more information.
Coalition for Father’s and Children’s Rights – New civil rights organization for divorced fathers who feel they have been abused by the court system. Call Michael Major at (509) 279-2542 for more information.
Elna Club – Sewing club. Meets Mondays, 10 a.m.-noon or 1-3 p.m. Sew Uniquely You, 10220 N. Nevada St., Suite 10. For more information call (509) 467-8210 or email sewuniquelyyou@gmail.com.
Embroiderers’ Guild of America – Mount Spokane Chapter meets the fourth Wednesday of the month, 6:30 p.m. at Manito United Methodist Church’s Hospitality Room, 3220 S. Grand Blvd. Open to anyone interested in the threaded needle arts. Contact Marcia Niles at (509) 796-2189 or reomsn@hughes.net for more information.