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State is right to adapt

Thanks for your article on the hearing on Dec. 11 regarding the proposed Tesoro-Savage oil train transit terminal in Vancouver. I spoke at that hearing, because I am very concerned about what is happening to our earth due to fossil fuel extraction and burning.

For over 40 years science has been telling us that our planet is warming due to greenhouse gases from fossil fuels being expelled into our atmosphere. Scientists have tracked the melting of glaciers and Arctic Sea ice and the rising sea level. They predict drastic increases in severe weather events.

Unfortunately the oil, coal and natural gas companies try to convince people that they are vital to our economy and way of life and that climate change is a hoax.

So cancer continues to plague our citizens, air and water get more polluted and our beautiful Earth is being devastated by coal, oil and fracking companies.

We have technology that can produce safe, alternative renewable energy. We need to be willing to subsidize it instead of subsidizing the very profitable, but limited, fossil fuel industry.

Washington state is moving in the right direction. Let’s keep it going.

Pauline Druffel


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