Week Ahead
Small Business Marketing and Sales – Learn how to identify prospective customers and attract them to your business. A SCORE Spokane workshop. 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., SBA Training Room, 801 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 444. $40/advance; $50/at the door; $15/per additional person from the same company. For more information or to register call (509) 353-2821 or visit www.scorespokane.org.
Social Media for Small Business 101 – Spokane SCORE presents an entry level workshop focused on social media and applications for business. 1 to 3 p.m., SBA Training Room, 801 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 444. For more information or to register call (509) 353-2821 or visit www.spokanescore.org. $40/advance; $50/door; $15/per additional person from the same company.
Growing Your Business With Facebook – Presented by Tincan. Stay relevant by using the social networking giant to market your growing business; 4 to 5 p.m., 1317 W. Second Ave. Free and open to the public. Limited to 10 individuals. Register online at www.tincan.org or call (509) 744-0972.
The White Party – The Spokane and North Idaho Power Woman Networking will host the White Party, an opportunity to socialize and network; 5 to 8 p.m., the Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. For more information, contact charitydoyl@yahoo.com or call (509) 928-9664.