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Stay close to home

Let’s close all the embassies, not for four days, but for keeps. And while we’re at it, let’s close all the military bases we have in faraway lands and bring all the people home. Then we sit down at a table and make a deal to buy oil from anyone who wants to sell, instead of occupying their land and stealing their oil.

No more oil wars or any other kind of war. No more drone strikes. No more killing 20 innocent bystanders to get rid of a suspected terrorist. When we bring everyone home, then we will have $600 billion a year that the military won’t need, and we can fix our roads and bridges, build new schools, have health care for everyone, give anyone who wants it a free college education and make this the greatest country in the world again.

Oh man, I better stop smoking this weed, it’s making me crazy.

Norm Ellefson


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(509) 459-3815

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