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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

SRHD building mars view

I read Jim Kershner’s “This Day in History” for July 18 with interest. The great Spokane architect Kirtland Cutter wrote a century ago, “A steel structure (the railroad bridge) east of Monroe Street Bridge would practically cover up the view of the falls from the bridge.”

This is precisely the situation we have with the Spokane Regional Health building blocking the view of the county courthouse, one of the most beautiful buildings in the country. Spokane has done a good job removing structures such as the train depot, that the Clocktower may stand alone in its full height, and the YWCA building, that we may see the river. The Spokane Regional Health center should never have been built there and needs to be put underground or moved.

Warren Swenson

Loon Lake

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