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Re-elect Ringo and Schmidt

Please join me in re-electing Rep. Shirley Ringo and Sen. Doc Schmidt on Nov. 6. Ringo and Schmidt are long-term Idaho residents who understand the needs of the residents of this great state and the many challenges that we face. They are both tireless advocates for public and higher education within Idaho. They understand that the education of our youth forms the foundation of success and economic competitiveness for the state of Idaho, and that computers are no replacement for dedicated, effective and passionate classroom instruction.

They have both fought for protecting civil rights and for access to vital social services. Ringo’s six terms and appointment on the Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee offers residents of District 5 an experienced and effective leader. Schmidt’s experience as a family practitioner has provided him with a unique insight into the needs of rural Idaho and the need to improve access to affordable health care.

Most importantly, both understand the role that education and protecting civil rights provide in fostering economic growth and individual prosperity. I invite you to join me in re-electing these insightful and dedicated public servants.

Lisa Belknap


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