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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Inslee has jobs plan

If you want a “get-er done” governor for our great state, vote for Jay Inslee. He has a solid, common-sense plan for building on the strengths of our state to create new and better jobs and to secure the jobs we now have.

He does more than talk about building a working Washington. Look for the real details on his website, Click on his jobs plan. You will see that it is practical. It is realistic. It is what we need to do.

Jay Inslee’s jobs plan improves our economy while protecting clean water, clean air and healthy soils and natural habitat. Our abundant natural resources are the foundation of our economy, something he knows better than any other candidate. He will lead us into green energy, with exciting new technology that will save us energy costs while creating new jobs for our children and grandchildren.

A vote for Jay Inslee is a vote for all of us.

Lynn Bahrych


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