Whitman Elementary wins $25,000 grant from Lowe’s

When Lowe’s opened its new store at 6606 N. Division St. last Thursday, Whitman Elementary School received a $25,000 Toolbox for Education grant from the hardware retailer.
“We really appreciate that the community is reaching out to our school,” said Heather Jordan, principal assistant at Whitman. “We are hoping this is the beginning of a mutual beneficial relationship between our school and Lowe’s.”
It was Whitman Principal Beverly Lund who heard of the grant opportunity and submitted a project application to Lowe’s. The money is going toward a new computer lab.
“The computer lab really, truly was in need of replacement; it was time,” Jordan said.
Natalie Turner, with Lowe’s national public relations office, said that at each store opening Lowe’s chooses one local nonprofit organization as a grant recipient.
The Lowe’s Toolbox in Education program was started in 2006, and Lowe’s has donated nearly $25 million dollars to more than 5,400 schools across the country since then.
Jordan said the application process with Lowe’s had been great and she hopes the store may have volunteers who’d be interested in working with Whitman students.
“This is a very generous gift that will be very much appreciated,” Jordan said.