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Firefighters earn their pay

Let me comment on Gary Olmsted’s June 21 letter (“Need more pay data”). He states he needs more information on firefighter wages for the public to decide on contract negotiations. This information only needs to be known by union and city negotiators. They are the ones who make contract decisions. Just how dangerous the firefighters’ job is should have no bearing on how much they are paid. The most dangerous jobs vary from one year to the next depending on how many were killed or injured. The firefighters are facing injury or accident every time they respond out of the station.

They have careful, experienced drivers but are often hindered by uncaring drivers hoping to beat the fire apparatus. Try climbing a ladder up and onto a roof where there is fire coming out below you. Olmsted questions how much a firefighter gets for retirement. Let me tell you this: It’s not enough.

I’ve had eight surgeries for cancer that doctors say were related to my years as a firefighter. Some night, when you may need to call 911 for a fire or aid crew, just remember how much you think they should be paid for helping you.

Len Champion


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