Join Fairfield for Flag Day celebration
Event Saturday to include fun run, breakfast, parades

Fairfield will be the place to be Saturday when the small town celebrates its 102nd annual Flag Day with a fun run, breakfast, parade, music and more. Organizers believe the event is the longest running Flag Day celebration in the nation.
Late registration for the “Flag Flyin’ Fun Run” begins at 7 a.m. in Thiel Park with the 5K run kicking off at 8 a.m. Despite its early start, the run is usually well attended, said town clerk Cheryl Loeffler. “There’s usually about 100,” she said. “They go out Truax (Road). It’s pretty flat.”
There will be one change to the run this year. Runners will still get their T-shirts, but prizes will not be handed out. “This year we are putting our money toward scholarships for kids going to college,” Loeffler said.
The fire department will serve breakfast at the Fairfield Community Center on Main Street from 7 to 9:30 a.m. The cost is $6 for adults and $3 for children age 10 and younger.
A children’s parade will go down Main Street at 10:30 a.m. A grand parade will follow the same route at 11 a.m.
There will be food, live music, a bouncy castle and craft vendors in Thiel Park until dark. Adults can also stop by the beer and wine garden in the park. Local businesses and the Fairfield Museum will be open.
To reach Fairfield, head south from Spokane Valley on Highway 27. Turn left on Main Street to find the community center, Thiel Park and other events.