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Here’s something I find hard to understand: The Republicans have come out with another glittery declaration: Repeal Obamacare! We hate it! It stinks! It’s outta here!

And what do they propose to solve the issue of health care after this salvo? Nothing. That’s right, nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada. Oh, they toyed with the tort reform angle, which constitutes something like 3 percent of the problem. And, as usual, pointless yakking about abortion occurred, despite being legal, tightly regulated, and a tiny 1.3 million annually out of a national population of 312 million. Then House Republicans stayed busy the rest of their time with important questions about baseball, and state vegetables, and similar topics, while declining to discuss the No. 1 issue relevant to the fiscal health of the nation, like health care program alternatives.

Why generate so much wind on the fact that somebody finally tried to do something about the health care crisis in this country? How about trying the plan out, and if it doesn’t work, repealing it then? But carrying on about its awfulness while offering absolutely no alternative; that’s a cynical political slug-a-bug game counting on our collective civil disengagement and fear.

Thanks, House Republicans, for nothing!

Nancy Runyan

Spokane Valley

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