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Patrol our parks

Spokane is blessed to have a number of parks located within our city. However, what happens in our city parks when the sun sets? I believe the citizens of Spokane would be shocked. I certainly have been shaken. Living within a two-mile radius of Comstock and Manito parks, I enjoy all they have to offer. My view of safe and serene is now clouded.

Early Tuesday morning, Dec. 27, three young Spokane men were attacked and beaten. Trying to avoid the confrontation, they ran through Comstock Park, the shortest route to one of the men’s homes. Earlier that week, Comstock Park residents were shaken by illegal fireworks set off in the park.

Numerous calls have been made to the police regarding underage drinking and drug use in Comstock Park over the years, and yet it continues.

What more is it going to take for our city to patrol these parks and to take seriously calls from the citizens who live in close proximity to them?

If residents in the area of Manito and Comstock parks think that moving Jefferson school is their biggest concern, think again!

Nancy Duncalfe


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