School Notes: ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ at St. George’s

The eighth-graders at St. George’s School will perform William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Jan. 26 in St. George’s Founders Theater, at 7 p.m.
The cast for the performance includes Charlie Rieger, as Oberon, King of the Fairies; Allison Arnold, as Titania, Queen of the Fairies; Collin Cremers, as Theseus; Allison Milbrath, as Hippolyta; John Ogden, as Philostrate; Ben Reiger, as Egeus; Caroline Hammett, as Hermia; Josias Michalko, as Lysander; Nathan Vanos, as Demetrius; and Malinda Wagstaff, as Helena. Other cast members include Erin Armitage, Quinn Norton, Blaise Osborne, Manisha Sinha and Max Spalding, as courtiers; Stow Miller and Jimmy Psomas, as flag bearers; and Cain Martin and Alec Taylor, as pillars. Students in the role of workmen include Jehan Ravasia, as Peter Quince; Dan Vickery, as Nick Bottom/Pyramus; Camden Snyder, as Francis Flute/Thisbe; Liam Sienko, as Tom Snout/Wall; Michael Hamilton, as Robin Starveling/Moonshine; Chris Caporicci, as Snug/Lion; Matthew Arlt, as Pinch; J.T. McCarthy, as Pat; and Peter Ogden and Patrick Hasdorff, as workmen of Athens. The Fairyland players include Reagan Nelson, as the Woodland Fairy; Allison Hayes, as Peaseblossom; Anya Walker, as Cobweb; Keilyn Kawakami, as Mustardseed; Raena Rankin, as Moth; and Emily Tender and Marika Morelan, as members of the Fairy Court. Craig Higashi, Isaac Werkman and Michael Thew play Oberon’s Guards, and Luke Parker plays Puck.
Tickets to the show are free and the event is open to the public.
LC boosters plan dance, auction
Family and friends of Lewis and Clark High School students are invited to step back in time and enjoy the LC Booster Club ’50s Dance and Auction on Jan. 27, from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m., at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave.
The evening will include food, wine and beer, and a silent auction.
Tickets are $20 and may be purchased at the LC concession stand at home games, by visiting or by emailing gshumaker@windermere. com.
The ’50s night is for those 21 and older.
Hoops event benefits cancer fund
The staffs at Mt. Spokane and Mead high schools, as well as Mountainside and Northwood middle schools, will come together Feb. 1 at 7:30 p.m. at Mead High School for the Hoops for Hope VIII Cancer Benefit basketball game. The annual event raises money for the Coaches vs. Cancer fund.
Admission is $5. Raffle tickets for a variety of prizes will be sold the week before the game for $5 to people age 18 and older.
Information: Mt. Spokane at (509) 465-7200 or Mead at (509) 465-7000.