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Abortion is a bad choice

Being careless and irresponsible is when mistakes usually happen. After we make mistakes, or do something we regret, is when we need to take responsibility for our actions and make things right. I believe abortion is the most irresponsible and unethical action you could possibly take.

Ron Paul, who observed a late-term abortion performed by his instructor during his medical residency, stated, “It was pretty dramatic for me to see a 21/2 pound baby taken out crying and breathing and put into a bucket.” How could you live with killing a little innocent baby when you could easily take the better road of adoption?

Babies do not get to pick when they get to come into the world and who their parents get to be. Think of the difference and impact that one little baby could have made in the world. In the United States, about 3,700 babies are aborted each day. To stomp out the choice of abortion would save millions of lives each year. Do the right thing and take responsibility for your actions by making the right choices, not the easy way out that leads to suffering.

Emma Couch


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