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Why all the clapping?

The recent gay marriage legislation should give all citizens pause. Is the purpose to find a politically correct solution to a particular interest group’s demands? Political correctness implies an incorrectness. The obscurity lies in who sets the standard. It follows that anything that’s incorrect needs to be corrected; by re-education you become a right thinker. Failing that, you might be labeled a bigot, a racist or even an enemy of the people.

Nature, as a whole, is an ordered thing. Are citizens who object to same-gender marriage as disordered in a strict Darwinian sense correct? If they are correct, how can it be a public good? If incorrect, is the argument that it is ordered sustainable? The attempt to redefine accurate and historical definitions is to undermine them. Can a fiction be made real by legislative fiat?

Citizens of a religious persuasion hold marriage as something sacred or a sacrament. The separation of church and state goes both ways. A government with authority to not require something has authority to require it. In truly politically correct societies, you don’t want to be the first one to stop clapping.

Tom Crooks

Oakesdale, Wash.

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